Spiritual Defence

Spiritual Defence

Spiritual Defence

“Be vigilant; guard your mind against negative thoughts.” - Buddha.

Writing about energy and positivity, we make ourselves out to be a living battery. Recharging, low power, and negativity describe us in our vulnerable state while recharged, energized, and positive describe us at our best.

Fortunately, this spiritual powerhouse has an unlimited ability to replenish and even repair itself. Although we will nurture our body with healthy food and exercise, even bandage cuts when needed, we rarely apply these principles to our mind and spirit. We will put on helmets and padding before we try risky ventures. We should administer the same thought to preparing ourselves for our psyche.

Stress, pressure, anxiety are just some of the things we face, but our dDefences seem half-hearted measures compared to our preparations for other endeavors. We try to take deep breaths, think positive thoughts, and even think of something else. These are weak protection from the energy battle we feel in confrontation.

An athlete can improve results from his body with motivational thought and visualization. Aggressive breathing can fool the body into its defensive posture and release endorphins to improve our game. We can apply the same principles but focused on our target mindset.

There are three main drains on our inner spirit. Our environment, other people, and ourselves all can cause our precious energy to leech away.

As man has developed and built the world we know today, the materials he has chosen follow a familiar pattern. From the raw and vibrant natural resource, we have taken the life-force out as we change it for our needs. Wood becomes pulp, the rock ground to dust, and these, in turn, are made into fiber-board and concrete.

As we create this soulless metropolis, it is not surprising that our power drains away. A hot drink cools as it warms the cup, its energy shared. Only the most positive and optimistic soul can retain their good mood in these artificial environments. So how can we protect ourselves is this dystopian world?

We cannot repaint the whole world, but we can make changes. On a physical level, plants and pictures can create an oasis of peace in our home, work, and school environments. Do not forget the impact you can make yourself with how you look. Even the strictest dress code can be invigorated with a splash of color.

Metaphysically we can also make changes. One of the most significant tools of our psyche is our imagination. Although advocating daydreaming is foolish, rethinking our workspace to a sunkissed beach or our commute as a thrilling adventure.

Most people are unaware of the drain they put on other people. Some are naturally aggressive, while others seem to sap our vitality with perpetual negativity.

Visualize a plastic bubble around loud or abrasive people. Apply a mental filter to speech to lower the volume, make it a barely audible murmur, or give it a comedic twist. Words received as facts without anger are easy to accept when heard in a cartoon voice.

We have all experienced what is best described as psychic vampires in day to day life. Some people bring down the mood at the happiest of occasions and have a seemingly unending tale of woe. Circumstances can often mean these types are unavoidable.

In which, case it is better not to block their negativity but rather let it pass through. Imagine yourself as glass, the shadow people cast upon you just passing through without effect. Psychic vampires deserve a more detailed article of their own, which is for another day.

We are responsible for letting our energy drain away through the usual channels. Fear, hurt, anger, and pain all suck the life force out of us. A simple remedy is to lie to oneself. Use your beautiful imagination to set aside everything negative and visual your happy and powerful self.

After all, if the Divine has given us this journey, the least you can do is walk it the best you can.

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