Sounds of Gaia

The Invisible Realm


Sound has played a part in the history of man since time began, from warning cries to listening for animal noises or running water, it is part of our connection to the world around us. Beyond the spoken word we have discovered music, whether a tribal drum or a concerto, the melody, rhythm, pitch, volume have an almost magical quality that can touch us deeply.

Our connection with sound is one of nature and nurture. A sharp exclamation of warning is understood across any language as can the gentle cooing we make almost unconsciously to a baby. Similarly, a familiar song or sound will illicit a response unique to the circumstance, we all tap our foot sometimes or feel pride at our national anthem.

The power of sound is generally an untapped resource, the opera singer shattering a glass is an insight into what may be achieved. In understanding and using the powers that are available to us we cannot disregard the part sound has to play in connecting with the Earth Song.

“I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours. But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality.” - H. A. Overstreet.

In looking at sound we will try and examine the sources of sound, the effect of sound and how they can play their part in our spiritual lives. Singing Prayer Bowl In our work sound can occur in three ways, natural, constructed and recorded. Each has it's pros and cons which are important to consider in their use.

Natural sounds are those give to us by nature, a howling wind, crash of ocean waves, and the hammer blow of thunder. They display the unmistakeable power of nature and remind us of our own frailty but it terms of application they can be unwieldy. They can only be used when they already set the mood and rarely available on demand, usually difficult to relocate and leave us prey to the weather. Certainly the most powerful, natural sounds are also the hardest to control and manage.

Constructed sounds are those that we make ourselves, singing, hand clapping, and musical instruments are all good examples. These are far easier to control and use in the settings of our choice and are only limited by our resources, ability, and imagination. This is our preferred method of sound when applied for specific purposes as it keeps the human quality and energy that we seek. Our singing bowl is one of our favourites.

Recorded sounds are the easiest to use and apply and thanks to the wonders of technology the choice is pretty much limitless. These sounds have a great value in our rituals but they can lose value in their digital perfection by coming across as contrived and unnatural even though they may sound more natural than nature itself.

Singing Prayer Bowl The world of sports is no stranger to the roar of the crowd and athletes regularly ride on the wave to reach new levels of excellence. The rallies of great speaker have driven people to action regularly throughout history and people can be moved to tears by a simple piece of music that is held dear to their heart. Sound definitely has a power all of its own.

We let sound can tap into our psyche through our choice of music or involuntarily through chance. As a child most of us learned to be silent whe hushed and in the same way we can learn to respond to sounds in a given way with practice. A perfect example is to set a sound as a precursor to medtation, prayer or ritual, I use our singing bowl as it clears the air of random thoughts and energies. This initiates me to meditation on a physical and metaphysical level.

On a spiritual note, I also like to cleans and charge my crystals with sound as I think this adds another level to them. Giving a crystal its favorite sound may seem obscure but I believe it enpowers them and myself, try it yourself.

One of the most interesting examples of the power of sound can be found Here describing Tibetan Monks levitating stones. Singing Prayer Bowl Learning to use sound is a slow process and I don't anticipate levitating rocks any day soon, but using it to trigger my mind-set to meditation is a relatively quick and easy process if used regularly. A bell ring or a tone from a Singing Bowl is a simple audio-trigger to tell your mind what is to come, I also use it before prayer as I find it mentally agreeable.

It lends a strong addition to spiritual exercses which I hope to cover elsewhere but you can educate your mind readily to mentally hear the song, sound, or tune to enable you to overcome lifes troubles such as fear, stress, hunger, and anxiety. A more natural aid to sleep than a lullabye does not exist and yet we forget these childhood methods all to soon.

In divination the use of windchimes and sand covered drums are an extra medium to allow answers to be found. Sound has an invaluable part on your spiritual journey, ensure you enjoy and it and allow yourself to discover its true potential.

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