About Us

Just Us



Welcome to our page and our journey, this is a real journey of real people with real lives taking our first tentative steps in trying to find that elusive connection with the Earth Mother and the Universal Energy that fills and guides all living things. We believe it is there to enjoy with all our known senses and perhaps others yet discovered.

We bring with us the power of belief and what we like to think are open minds. While we attempt not to be cynical to the unexplained nor do we want to assume facts where none exists. Honesty is our watchword. The esoteric world we stepped into when we began has led us in a multitude of directions, we will try and focus primarily on the subject at hand but we will expand into the other areas as and when the time is right and circumstances permit.

We hope to share with you some great and meaningful steps in our journey and hopefully encourage you to begin your own. We will find routes that didn't work for us and tell why we thought we didn't achieve our goals, not to deter you from your own discoveries, just our experience.

Us The wonders of the internet bought together two souls 3500 miles apart with a common interest in all things spiritual. My name is Dave, an Englishman from Kent in the UK and her name is Charity, an American from Virginia in the USA.

Connecting on so many levels is simply awesome but our differences in outlook also add another dimension. It allows us to 'get' a new perspective and also keeps us challenging our own beliefs.

In terms of lifestyle choices, Charity is a lover of the organic and ethically sourced and while maintaining a gluten and sugar-free(-ish) healthy lifestyle she does have a tribe that enjoys all the usual treats. I live a less healthy lifestyle, a smoker with a diet that consists mainly of on the go and ready meals. Definitely not an advocate of five a day. These are the starting blocks and are subject to change as we go along, we shall see.

My job is almost totally desk-based, coupled with a zero healthy fitness regimen I have only genetics to thank for my slim (skinny) 6' 1" frame, my exercise consists of a five- minute walk to the shops. An active mom and a pre-kindergarten teacher, Charity has a more active lifestyle although living in more rural Virginia, a trip to the store relies on driving.

So we listed the areas we want to explore. We intend to let our inner guide direct us in how and when we expand upon these topics and show us what we need to learn next.

Our crystals We begin with crystals, they have fascinated man since the dawn of time, from diamonds to coal, the fruits of the rock have kept us coming back. Sensing their power and energy we are compelled to find a place for them in our lives. Each stone has taken on its own meaning and lore to engage and enthrall us.

We chose just a dozen crystals to discover and begin our understanding, we take these on as companions, with their own natures and personalities. Discovering their powers and strengths and how they can enhance and benefit our lives. They are Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Green Aventurine, Hematite, Blue Kyanite, Black Tourmaline, Jasper, Citrine, Malachite, Smoky Quartz, Amber and Rose Quartz.
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Learning about crystals we soon hear mention of energy, both positive and negative, and how crystals alter the flow. To feel this it is important to learn how to quieten the minds so we can connect with the energy. This leads us to the next step which is that of meditation and relaxation.

It is easy to say 'take it easy' and 'clear your mind', but not so easy to actually do it in the hectic lives we lead. In terms of return on investment, the benefits of learning to meditate and connect with our inner spirit far out way the small amount of time it takes to gain this ability.

For our purposes, we are going to begin to use meditation for its benefits in relaxation and de-stressing and move on to connecting and guided meditations later on.
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Meditation For us, the logical next step was to understand the Chakras, the energy centers within us. To learn their function and establish that ours are clear and not blocked. The clear flow of energy in the body ensures that we can function at our best, not just on a physical level but also on the mental and spiritual levels as well.

Naturally, in studying Chakras we can bring into play our studies of crystals and meditation to help us truly connect to the cosmic force. It is our hope in learning about our Chakras we can bring harmony to our physical and mental selves in our journey of discovery.
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As we begin to start to understand the energy flow in us and the world around we can begin to look at using this power. The source within us and around us make subtle changes which we then react to but now we want to look at more direct action.

Chakras This universal energy has been harnessed through ritual and ceremony throughout history. We are not looking to go against the natural flow but just to enhance the energies in the directions we choose, aiming for better health, clearer thought, and positive spirit. We will leave the get rich quick schemes to Midas.

We intend to outline our basic principles on rituals and then practice our own and document our results, we hope you try them as well.
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Learning from the ground up, we think our trials and tribulations will encourage you to step away from the ordinary. Whether you have already discovered these mysteries, wish to expand your mind, or are just curious, join us on our journey.

We don't expect to discover the alchemist stone or the fountain of youth, the path to serenity will be just fine.

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