Clear Quartz


Stone of Power

Our Stones

Origin: All over the world

Lattice: Hexagonal

Shapes: Natural, points, double-terminated points, clusters. Geodes, tumbled/polished, cut

Energy: Amplifies

Chakra: Crown, all other chakras

Placement: Anywhere, meditation on or near crown chakra, in a grid with other crystals to amplify their energies

Pairing: With Black Tourmaline to balance male and female energies

Element: Storm

Emotional: Is emotionally neutral but it will amplify any emotion with which it moves into resonance

Spiritual: Encourages clarity on all levels. It can be used to enhance communication of guides and amplify psychic abilities.

Physical: Stimulates the nervous system and the growth of fingernails and hair. It can assist in removing adhesions in the connective tissue.

Affirmation: I open myself up to the transformation and invoke the manifestation of my highest destiny.

Other Attributes:

• It can be “programmed” by one's intentions to achieve one’s goals and desires. Once programmed it can remember and amplify the power of one’s intentions.
• It can deepen one’s experience of meditation
• Sleeping with one can enhance the vividness of dreams
• Makes ideal wands and staffs
• Caution is needed when using it to manifest negative intentions. It has the strongest effect on the person using the crystal so it could have the “boomerang” effect and reflect the negative energies on oneself.
• Most active on the nervous system and connective tissue
• Clear quartz can also be used to cleanse other stones by placing the stones in a cluster surrounded by clear quarts for 24 hours.

Clear Quartz Ours Here

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