Crystals For Today

The Crystals Say...

You got Black Tourmaline, Green Aventurine, and Clear Quartz

The Stones

The stones power gives relief from compulsive behaviors and releases chronic worry.

This leads to hope and optimism.

Offering clarity and aids communication.

Seek always to be true to yourself and happy.

First Stone

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline One of the most magnetic of our stones, Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful protective stones there is, placed near the door to your home either on display or in a plant pot it offers a safeguard against negative energy of all kinds. It is also an excellent grounding stone. Its protective qualities also extend to the physical world, protecting people in dangerous activities.

Described as a daily disinfectant for the soul, Black Tourmaline cleanses the aura and repels negative energies and thoughts. Especially at night, it helps ward against bad dreams and four at each leg of the bed can be used to good effect.

Its grounding quality connects Black Tourmaline to the Root Chakra but its guarding and cleansing properties help and purify all the other Chakras too. Learn More..

Second Stone

Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine For many green is the color of luck and Green Aventurine is known for bringing luck. In truth the luck it brings is the kind the wearer makes, seizing opportunity, taking the chance and setting aside fear for risk. While luck is enticing, its real power lies in its healing qualities, as it cleans doubt from the heart it cleans impurities from the body. It is the great body balancer and can rest the body and especially the nervous system, restoring and strengthening it. Calming the skin, sinuses, eyes, heart, and lungs, for luck and health alone this should always be carried.

Best used carefully in rituals, for healing it is a strong source of power and I would suggest 5 stones. For luck or confidence, it should only be used in Meditations of Time and then with Amethyst to soften the journey.

Unsurprisingly it is tied to the Heart Chakra, bringing emotional calm and serenity. As an earth stone, it grounds the wearer to reality but also the opportunities available. Learn More..

Third Stone

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz Such a grand name for what is the most basic of crystals. Any good collection should contain one or more Clear Quartz crystals. They are both a source of healing energy but also an excellent channeling stone. Its protective properties mean it is a potent defense against the negative energies we encounter every day. Well worth carrying in your pocket or purse and even in your hand at times of stress.

When used as a stylus or wand in rituals as it focuses the mind. The glyphs drawn by clear crystal are energized and sharp so it is best used in angular wards. Although it retains its energy well, it can get tainted by negativity easily and therefore regular cleansing is highly recommended.

Attuned to the Crown Chakra it stimulates clear thought and higher understanding, it also helps align all the other chakras. It is bound to the element of fire but more specifically the white light of the sun.

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Todays Crystals

Wednesday May 01 2024

Who knows how your Higher Power chooses to work. We begin our day selecting those crystals that we feel hold the power for the day or those that 'call out' to be chosen.

If you can't choose then try these three randomly chosen crystals and see what they might offer you today. You got Black Tourmaline, Green Aventurine, and Clear Quartz

I hope you enjoy reading and get something from this.

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